How To Write The First Program In The Rust Programming Language?

The Rust programming language is used to build the program as well as the main thing for the rust program made to save the memories in it. You can easily save your data in rust as well as it is the most secure and best to make your applications in rust language. Although, this language is not so popular in the market and still people use java or javascript to build programs.

And this article helps you, to run your first program in the rust language.

Moreover, rust is a low-level programing language, just like C as well as it has high-level abstractions, like Python. While using rust you also say that the rust programming language has interesting models, which help to solve many classes of the problem. For instance, there are no data races as well as no stack overflows in the rust programming language, i.e. it is an expression-based language.

One question that triggers in your mind is- Is the rust programming language good for web applications?
So let us tell you that, rust is a general-purpose language, in which you can write your web app as well. It is best for systems, embedded, and other performance-critical code. Even, though Rust provides better performance than other system programming languages like C, and C++ as well as it claims to provide memory safety without run-time and garbage collector.

All the above there is basic knowledge about the Rust programming language.

Now, let’s see how you create your first project in rust.

So, starts with “HELLO WORLD”



In fig.1, as you can see, to create the main function, here print code is added, which is the built-in macro as well as according to the Rust programming language, macros are a language that allows you abstract syntax. In other words, we can say that macros allow doing some meta-programming by adding grammar to Rust’s abstract syntax tree.

To understand this macro rule, have a look at fig.2 which makes you clarify this.


The above syntax (fig.2), shows the println macro in Rust, just because the Rust language doesn’t support variable arguments, you have to add the functionality with macros.

Hope now you understand a little bit of Rust programming language, now next is the big and important part of the application which is RUN THE SOLUTION.

How to Run the Solution:

Is your program ready to run!! Are you ready to print your first rust program- HELLO WORLD! Let’s make it easier for you, in fig.3, this code uses an online Rust compiler, where you just drop the code into the editor and hit RUN.


Alternatively, you have to download the compiler and a copy of the solution which is a simple and quite easy process as well. Then assuming the compiler is in the path, navigate the folder with the solution and run the following in the window.

And finally, you can see your first program print on the screen, as in fig.4 below.


In the Unix-based environment, the following will run the new binary.
And, there is a “HELLO, WORLD!” print directly on the console.


What is Rust Programming Language?

Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language. Rust emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency. Rust enforces memory safety—that is, that all references point to valid memory—without requiring the use of a garbage collector or reference counting present in other memory-safe languages.

What is the Feature of Rust Programming Language?

Rust provides the feature of 'Efficient C bindings' means that the Rust language can be able to interoperate with the C language as it talks to itself. Rust provides a 'foreign function interface' to communicate with C APIs and leverage its own system to guarantee memory safety at the same time.

Why should we use Rust?

Rust offers excellent documentation. It comes with a highly user-friendly compiler with top-notch tools such as integrated package managers and multi-editor. Rust can efficiently resolve memory errors and concurrent programs that languages like C and C++ cannot. It is super fast and safe by default.