Business Resolution For Prominent Business Success

Who doesn’t get excited to enter a new year, all fresh with a bunch of opportunities and possibilities ahead? Well right, 2020 has come to end and yes, it was a tough one for all of us, particularly for small-scale businesses. All the social distancing norms and quarantine have drastically turned the business world completely online. Every entrepreneur starts off with a bunch of expectations, goals, and everything. But, all ended with different sets of experiences, losses, etc. due to this Covid-19.
So, as all of us are looking forward to a new normal, the initial thing to appreciate is ourselves, health workers, doctors, etc. as we all have made it this far with our efforts. We know that running a business mainly in this pandemic has not been ideal, but at least you have faced many business survival skills that have made your business more robust. Now, let bygones be bygones only and we are ready to enter 2021 with a bang, beginning with some really smart goals for your business. What are your Plans for Business Resolutions this year?

Presenting here a list of a few very useful new year business resolutions, which if implemented can bring greater benefits to your Business organization:
Business Resolution That Will Benefit Your Business Organisation
1. Review your Business Plans Consistently
Whether you have a big successful established business or a small, medium-sized enterprise, you should have a business plan – a vision for how you are going to achieve these goals and ambitions for the future.
The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to address this failure or to review your business plan if you already have one.
Plan carefully and specifically about what you expect from your business over a certain period of time in short, medium, and long-term timescales and set out to achieve it.
Make sure you have clear and measurable targets to measure progress.
Some businesses fall into the pattern of operating on a day-to-day basis instead of having a vision, this sometimes leads to many businesses failing out.
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2. Regular Supervision of Social Media Strategy
No denying the fact that social media is invaluable to any business. As we enter this new year in 2020, make a resolution to use social media daily by doing these simple steps:
- Interact with customers and other users
- Answer questions
- Post engaging content
- Prioritize the network your customers are already using
For most businesses, this is Facebook and/or Instagram. Build your following on one of these platforms and then as per the response to the business, you can branch out to Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc. Today we have several Free Social Media Scheduling Tools that can be easily used to schedule a week’s worth of posts all at once. Make full advantage of these great tools and sail through your business journey with greater ease and facility.
3. Speed Up on Marketing Efforts
Marketing is the process of telling consumers why they should choose your product or service over those of your competitors and is a form of persuasive communication. It is made up of every process involved in moving a product or service from your business to the consumer. Marketing includes creating the product or service concept, identifying who is likely to purchase it, promoting it, and moving it through the appropriate selling channels.
If the objective of your business is to sell more products or services this 2020, then marketing is what helps you achieve that goal. Anything that you use to communicate with your customers in a way that persuades them to buy your products or services is marketing, including advertising, social media, coupons, sales, and even how you display them.
4. Write a Blog

A blog is one of the easiest, cost-effective ways to add new content to your site. This is the most essential for SEO and as we all know that if one wants to grow in this digital marketing age content marketing needs to be followed diligently. It allows you to share valuable information with your audience, gives you trending material for social media, and positions you as a leader in your niche.
Blogging doesn’t have to be a chore and you don’t have to post every day. In fact, one high-quality post per week is better than one poor-quality post every day. And when it comes to what to write, get creative!! Even if you are writing for technology use creative, better ways to present your blogs. Place yourself in the reader’s position and then decide what to write and what to post.
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5. Customer is the King
Your best clients are someone else’s best prospects. According to, getting a new customer can cost five times as much as keeping a current one. There are varying degrees of loyalty as well as reasons.
Always put your customer’s needs on top of your own, if you are looking to expand this 2020 and try finding answers to these questions:
- Do your clients know you are growing your practice or business?
- Do they know the type of prospect you want?
- Do they know how you help other people?
- Do you have a process that makes it easy for them?
It starts by letting them know you want to help people with needs or issues similar to theirs. Start communicating more with them.
6. Invest in Cyber Security Measures
Big institutions and technology firms aren’t the only ones that need to be concerned with online security. Every company should be taking proper measures to guard against Cybercrime And Implement the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other such online threats.
- Regularly back up your company’s data.
- Create a firewall that prevents outsiders from accessing your private network.
- Invest in the latest security software, web browser, and operating systems on your company’s computers.
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7. Keep a Close Eye on your Competitors
This one is very crucial for growing as well as for learning and creating something great. Never underestimate any of your competitors and keep track of their achievements and mistakes as well.
8. Plan for 5 Years Ahead
The key difference between a business owner and a Leader is the difference of vision. How do you plan for the coming years that set the ball rolling for you?
Always think ahead and have concrete strategies in place this 2020 if you are eyeing the top slot.
9. Build a Communication Plan
Agree, as a group, on what needs to be communicated to the broader organization, who will deliver it, and when that is to happen. A town hall-type meeting with all employees is a great way to kick off a new strategic plan.
It should be followed up, however, with individual leaders sharing the plan in a smaller setting with just their team. The key to a successful communication plan is consistency and repeatability.
10. Fine Tune your Customer Service
Often businesses concentrate their resources on increasing the size of their customer base rather than on client retention. Many pieces of research suggest that it is up to 25 times more expensive to win a new customer than it is to persuade existing customers to make new purchases.
This 2020, aim to put that right – talk to your customers about how you can serve them better and what else they might want from you. That doesn’t mean giving up on new customers altogether – but put your current customers first.
- The old saying, “the customer is always right,” means that if your customers ask for something you don’t carry, it’s time to fix that.
- Is there something your customers have been asking about or even demanding? Look into how you can bring that good or service to them. They’ll thank you with dollar bills.
And the same goes for your employees. Listen to them: ask them what works, what doesn’t, and how you could make their job better and easier. And remember: a good leader listens and follows through.
11. Network amongst Business Groups
Whether it’s a group specifically designed for networking or an organization dedicated to a particular type of business, in person or over the Internet, making the effort to be a part of a group will revitalize you and your business.
- There’s nothing like talking to other business people for sparking new ideas, refine old ones, and make contacts.
- Approaching networking events with a strategy will make your next time out a more successful experience.
- In 2020, make a resolution to attend a few networking events to meet fellow small business owners in your area.
- Networking can help you find new opportunities, clients, collaborators, vendors, service providers, and even friends.
This is often ignored by many small business owners, but it’s so important. Use a service like Eventbrite to find events in your area. Chances are there are plenty of free networking opportunities already scheduled for the new year!
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12. Invest in Learning a New Skill
Most important of all-do not sit back on past laurels and achievements, Life is all about recreating, reanalyzing, and renewing yourself each day.
Invest in some new skill, certification, or any other habit which is good for your business or yourself.
Go conquer the world with a new you!!
13. Build your Brand
In business, planning for the future is as difficult as it is necessary. Branding your business, just like building your personal brand, means you have to think about the long term. What works in establishing your brand today? It’s impossible to know what the coming year might hold for your company — or others — but that doesn’t mean you can’t start preparing.
Future-prepping means trying to assess what your company is going to need, both in the short and long term.
Immediate planning means balancing budgets, identifying target markets, and anticipating industry changes. For longer-term planning, however, you have to think bigger.
14. Document Your Processes
With all the positive changes you’ll be making in 2020, it’s important to document your processes, especially if you haven’t done so in the past. Documenting your day-to-day operations, onboarding, business plan, company goals, etc will make things easier for yourself and your employees throughout the year.
15. Work Hard
This one is the key to achieving anything in life and it should be practiced with more focus this new year 2020 if you are planning to restructure, modify or boost up your business plans.
16. Follow Your Goals Diligently
Many times people make up big plans for every new year and don’t follow up on these goals with passion and focus, resulting in underachievement. This should be completely avoided this 2020 and follow up on your plans with complete dedication and focus.
17. Set Realistic Goals
Goal setting is a valuable habit—if the goals lead to success rather than distress.
The next step in creating a strategic business plan is to identify and clarify your goals. Where are you, and where do you want to be by the end of 2020 (and beyond)?
Set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goals based on your analysis of current business trends and market opportunities.
Resolve that the goals you set will be achievable. If you have trouble setting realistic goals, there are ways to map out a formula that makes sense for you.
18. Put Your Strategy Into Action
Building a good, strategic plan for the next few years takes a lot of work upfront.
Split the team up into groups of 3-5 and give them each a goal for the year. Have them brainstorm 3-5 strategic initiatives that would help bring you closer to achieving that goal.
A strategic initiative is a focused project for that year that will add up to realizing that annual goal. If you successfully execute your strategic initiatives, you should be fairly certain you’ll achieve your annual goals this 2020.
19. Learn from the Past Mistakes
Begin by asking everyone on your team for the top 2 or 3 things that went well in their department this year and what 2 to 3 aspects they would do differently. Trap their ideas on flipcharts and then transfer them over into a shared document to have them in one central place. Take a moment to review the successes of your team across the whole year. This gives you the momentum to take into your discussion for next year.
It’s essential to set your planning for next year in the context of your overall vision. Any goals or strategies you set for 2020 should actively contribute to you achieving your vision in the long run.
20. Give back to the community
Whether you are serving somewhere or you own a business, it is of prime importance to give back to the society we are living in and contribute to the upliftment of the underprivileged community. Many people place a high value on social responsibility. If you are not focusing on this area up till now, start this 2020 and contribute and feel the joy of sharing!!
People and other businesses in your community support your business. What do you do in return? You might contribute to charities, but do your clients and the general public know that? Start finding answers to these burning questions this 2020.
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Now, it's all clear that every business owner requires to analyze internal and external factors while planning for future business plans. These New Year’s resolutions mentioned above need to be applied in your lives rather than treated as just another new year plan, which refers to putting changes into place and committing to them for the whole year. They need a year-long commitment to earn profits in the coming years. At Codersera, we love watching you succeed and we live for it. Whether your new business resolutions need a boost up, getting new customers, hiring developers, or learning some new entrepreneur skills, we have got your back.
Here’s to a healthy, happy, and successful booming new year!